
9月21日の BBC World Business News (Podcast)から  [備忘録]

Dr. Frank Ward
West Indies Rums and Spirits Association

We have asked and will continue to ask for sufficient time to allow us to make the necessary transition that we feel will enable us to compete with anyone fairly. And that's the key word used. "Fairly."

Q. But, you are resigned to the fact that the European Union is going to withdraw subsidy soon or later anyway, whatever happens.

It is not the matter of being resign to the fact. We have appreciated that for a very long time. And we are not against the liberalization of trade. We are not against free trade. We have always said, "It must be fair and the process must be one which will not disadvantage, very, very small and vulnerable economies." It will create an extraordinary amount of pain. And I say so against the background of what is probably the worst recession globally since world war II.

be resigned to  運命に身を任せる
ここでの against the background of は「背景に」だが、ここでは 「とりわけ~を踏まえると」見たいな感じか。


天気◎ 調子○ 体調△ [日誌]

9月23日(水) 今日もよい天気で夏のような暑さになった。家の中に熱気がこもっている。順調な感じがしている。ものすごく久しぶりに頭を使っている。今後の段取りのことや仕事の大局感など。いい感じ。

